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NFL Draft

2021 NFL Draft Scouting Report: CB Bryce Thompson

  • The Draft Network
  • January 27, 2021
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Bryce Thompson aligned at cornerback for the Volunteers defense. He has sufficient reactive athleticism while aligning in off coverage. He has less than ideal size or agility by NFL standards, but has some value in the passing game. He is a bit raw in coverage, but shows exceptional ball skills. At times, his technique will falter and he peeks in the backfields. This is seemingly due to his eagerness to get his hands on the football. He plays with good hands and makes quarterbacks pay for mistargeted balls. 

Ideal Role: Eventual, subpackage (bottom of the roster) outside-only corner.

Scheme Fit: Any.


Written by Drae Harris

Games watched: Vanderbilt (2020), Auburn (2020), Mizzouri (2020)

Best Game Studied: Auburn (2020)

Worst Game Studied: Mizzouri (2020)

Man Coverage: He has less than ideal man coverage skills. This is mainly due to his bad eyes and questionable technique. He also appears to lack elite agility and hips to mirror dynamic receivers.

Zone Coverage: He does a good job in zone coverage situations. It is in zone where he can roam and play the football better. This allows him to use his good ball skills and catch skills.

Ball Skills: He has good ball skills for the position. He makes quarterbacks pay for mistargeted balls. He will forgo his technique at times at the expense of getting his hands on the football.

Tackling: He is a willing tackler. He comes downhill fast in the run game. He also demonstrates good tackling efficiency against wide receivers

Versatility: He lacks true versatility. Due to his skill set, it limits where he can ideally line up defensively. He has also aligned at safety in college. 

Competitive Toughness: He demonstrates a sufficient level of competitive toughness. He is good against the run as a tackler. He has also shown the ability to compete at the catch point. 

Functional Athleticism: He appears to be an adequate athlete. This is evidenced in his agility in man coverage and also shown in his long speed on 9 routes.

Football IQ: His football IQ could improve with more reps at the position. He has only played the position full time for three years.

Run Defense: He is an eager and willing tackler against the run. He has no hesitation coming up to tackle running backs. He is a bit light at the point of attack, but is courageous. 

Length: He lacks the ideal length for the position. This also limits where he can ideally align in the NFL. 


TDN Consensus: To Be Determined

Drae Harris: 72/100

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